When Online Gaming and Offline Children Don't Mix

Whenever I post a story about a parent neglecting their children while playing a massively-multiplayer online role-playing game I can’t hide my disgust for that sort of person, so you can imagine how I felt about myself this weekend when my two ten-month-old children left the house in the middle of a boss fight.

One of the things people said to me when I first had kids was “I guess your time playing video games is over!” That hasn’t been the case, of course, but I have had to limit myself to games that have a pause button (read: single player only) to keep exactly this kind of thing from happening.

Marvel vs Capcom vs iPhone

The craziest, flashiest, most screen-fillingly manic fighting game ever is being shrunk down for iOS. Marvel vs.Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes is coming to iPhone and iPad on April 25, finally allowing you to take it for a ride in your pocket.

The summer before my senior year of college, I saved up all the money I earned from my internship to buy a Sega Dreamcast, almost exclusively to play Marvel vs. Capcom 2. And now I’m going to be able to play it on my phone. 

In case you’re wondering, this is what living in the future feels like.

Uphill, Both Ways, Backwards

Bex (almost 5):Hi, Daddy! I'm playing Paperboy on the iPod!
Me:Oh, yeah? I used to play that game when I was a little boy.
Bex:Did you play it on an iPod or an iPhone?
Me:Neither. I played it on something called a Commodore 64.
Bex:Oh. Was that an iPod or an iPhone?

Why Tim Cook Met With Valve

We’ve gotten word that Cook was indeed at Valve yesterday, and what’s more, Apple is planning a full-on assault to take over the living room. This assault won’t just be limited to the long-rumored Apple HDTV set, but will also include a revolutionary home console as well.

According to sources to Cult of Mac, Apple is working on a television set with an iTunes-integrated touch screen remote and Siri-like voice command technology. The TV set will be coming before the end of 2012. Rumors and patents have said as much for the past year, so that’s nothing new. But that’s not all we’ve heard.

Our sources also say that Apple’s television set will come with an Apple-branded, Kinect-like video game console. The interface will rely heavily on motion and touch controls.

If I worked for Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo, I’d be crapping my pants after reading that article.